HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 : Lights and grilles

HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 - Sport grilles
HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 - Sport grilles

HONDA Ridgeline lights and grilles are exterior details that show the elegant and sporty impression of the vehicle perfectly. Black sport mesh grilles on the front look so tough flanked by high technology lights fixture.

HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 - Headlights
HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 - Headlights
The headlights seen so sharp when lights On in the black trim frame, supported by the fog lights which will increase your sight in the middle of unpredictable dark weather. The brake lights also appear in stylish corner which emphasized by black trim ornament.

HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 - Fog lights
HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 - Fog Lights

HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 - Brake Lights
HONDA Ridgeline Sport 2012 - Brake Lights